Saturday, July 14, 2007

The Week That Was

I have not had a good week. I got the flu and was hotter than a dragon's breath. I stayed home from school and made a beaded cat. My brother was also sick. I finished drawing the characters and props for my movie, "Battle of the Worlds." I have started on the plot. Martians attack Earth and the some evil dragons help them attack us, but the good dragons help protect us.

Thursday, July 5, 2007

A Boring Day

In Integrated Units we are studying safety. I made a book. I spent my lunchtime drawing insects for the class drawing competition. This afternoon Liam and I had a drawing paper battle. Nothing exciting happened.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

July So Far

Yesterday we had creative writing which is my favourite subject. We had to write about "If I was blind."

If I was blind
I would find
I'd often use my sense of smell
I would have a guide dog
Instead of a pet frog
And probably use a white cane as well.

At circus I did a lot of jumps on mini tramp and learned to spin around. I also practised my poi. I am good with one ball, but not so good with two yet.

Today, I was a plum when we played fruit salad in P.E. . I was last on the final run and got put into the jam pot, but my best friend, Jordan, was last in the jam pot and got put into compost.

We had a really horrible lesson of phoneme-grapheme. The rap and work were sooooooo easy and boring!

Rebecca is writing another play about everyday life and has asked me to be the high school boy, but I want to be the teacher's aide.

This afternoon, Miss King, my violin teacher, gave me a grade 2+ music book so I can learn Saturday Night Stomp.

Goodbye June

It was a good month!

I turned 8!

And went trail riding at Launceston with my bro and Mum.

Not to mention, saved several lives.
